
The methods of acupuncture are based on the belief that the body contains patterns of energy flow referred to as qi. Proper, unimpeded flow of qi is believed to be essential for the maintenance of proper health, and needles applied to specific acupuncture points are believed to help correct and balance that flow. Due to its ability to stimulate the central nervous system, acupuncture has the potential to significantly affect the perception of back and neck pain.                                                       

Needle therapy includes the inclusion of to a great degree of thin needles through your skin at key focuses on your body. A key segment of customary Chinese medication, needle therapy is most ordinarily used to treat torment. Conventional Chinese prescription clarifies needle therapy as a system for adjusting the stream of vitality or life drive — known as qi or chi (CHEE) — accepted to course through pathways (meridians) in your body. By embeddings needles into particular focuses along these meridians, needle therapy specialists trust that your vitality stream will re-adjust.

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